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EC2024 paddling trip Oulu
€40.00 / 2 h
Price includes 1 person.


Lappisinfo@lappis.fi+358409345498Company id:2451789-9Merchant terms

EC2024 own kayaking trip! Choose a suitable day and book your place!

Kayaking in Oulu on June 13th and June 16th from 4 to 6 p.m

Departure from Linnansaari. The paddling center has facilities for storing goods and an outdoor toilet.

The trip includes all the necessary equipment. Dress in flexible outdoor clothes suitable for the weather. The best footwear is good sneakers (neoprene or running sneakers). Rubber boots or stiff hiking shoes are not good.

Arrive on time per day (10-15 minutes) and bring a drinking bottle and possibly sunglasses, a cap and use sunscreen.